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Workers’ Compensation and How It Affects Your Business/Employees

By March 9, 2018May 23rd, 2019Workers' Compensation

Have you ever thought about how workers’ compensation laws affect your business? Employees, have you ever been in a situation where you needed workers’ compensation but had issues obtaining it? Our workers’ compensation lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks are here give you some key information on how workers’ compensation can affect your business and your employees.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Workers Compensation and How It Affects Your Business/Employees

No matter what, if you own a business and it qualifies under the law, you must carry workers compensation insurance. According to the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations:

“Missouri Employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance if they have five or more employees. Missouri Employers involved in the construction industry are required to carry the coverage if they have one or more employees. This applies to all employers, regardless of whether the employees are part-time/casual laborers, full-time, or family members.”

“Members of an LLC and officers of a corporation apply towards this employee count, sole proprietors and members of a partnership do not.”

“Sole proprietors and members of a partnership are not themselves covered unless they elect, with their insurer, to be covered; close family member-employees and members of a limited liability company are presumed to be covered unless they opt out with their insurer.”

What Does This Mean For Your Employees?

Having workers compensation insurance in place ensures that your employees are protected if they are injured on the job. Over time, employees have had trouble obtaining the workers’ compensation that they are owed by employers. If you suffered an injury at work, you probably have a lot of questions and not very many answers related to workers’ compensation claims. Who is going to pay my medical bills? What is going to be done about my lost wages? These are legitimate questions that deserve serious consideration.

What Do You Do, as an Employee, If You Find Yourself In This Unfortunate Situation?

Contact our workers’ compensation attorneys at the Lake of the Ozarks. We can offer legal advice and help to ensure that your interests are protected. Employers and their insurance companies can make the process for obtaining workers’ compensation benefits extremely difficult. They may attempt to argue that the injury was not work-related, and the insurance company may deny a legitimate claim solely for the purpose of protecting its bottom line.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Deputy and Mizell is Here to Help You.

There may be nothing more frustrating than being told that your workers’ compensation claim has been denied when you know that your claim has merit. Our workers’ compensation lawyers are prepared to answer any and all questions you might have, help you file your initial request for benefits and guide you through the entire appeals process.

Our attorneys have represented employees in all types of work injury claims, including the following:

-Work-related auto accidents
-Workplace slip-and-fall accidents
-Workplace explosions and fires
-Chemical exposure
-Carpal tunnel and other repetitive stress injuries
-Back and neck injuries
-Permanent partial or total disability claims
-Fatal workplace injuries

Call us at one our offices listed below for a free consultation today.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

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