Your kids are probably the most important thing on this planet to you. You want the best for your kids, as you should. This is why it can be so hard to be away from them while they are with your ex-spouse. If your kid is reporting back troubling things to you after spending time with your ex-spouse, that may indicate his or her living situation at your ex’s place is no longer suitable for a child, then it may be time to file for a child custody agreement modification at the Lake of the Ozarks. This process can take a great deal of time, but to gain full custody of your child or simply modify the current custody agreement in a way that best suits your child, makes it all worth it. You should consult with an experienced child custody lawyer at the Lake of the Ozarks to gain the knowledge you to make a modification. Call Deputy and Mizell at 417-532-2191 for your free consultation today. Keep reading for a few circumstances that may cause you to want to file for a child custody agreement modification.
When Can You Modify Your Child Custody Agreement?
The Primary Custodial Parent May Be…
Moving to Another Location
Moving your child to another location could cause them all sorts of emotional problems. While they would have to adjust to being in a new school district, new people, etc.
Imprisoned at a Future Date
Your child could be traumatized knowing his or her father or mother is about to be imprisoned. This is not a situation any child should have to go through.
Engaging in Illegal Behaviors Unfitting for a Parent
If the primary custodial parent is using illegal drugs or driving while intoxicated, these are two huge examples of what can cause you to modify the agreement. There are many other situations.
Remarried to Someone Who Threatens the Child
If the new spouse is mistreating your child, such as abuse, physical or mental – this could be grounds for a modification.
No Longer Interested in Having Full Custody
If the primary custodial parent has decided they no longer want custody for whatever reason, this can be another situation where a modification needs to be made.
Get the Best for Your Child with Deputy and Mizell
No loving parent wants to see their child suffer in any situation. You want the best for your kids and for them to feel comfortable in their own home. Modifying the child custody agreement can make that happen in certain situations. However, always seek the advice of an experienced child custody lawyer in Camden County first, before taking any actions. The situations listed above are all possible situations that may cause you to look into modifying your agreement, but you should first request a free consultation with your attorney. Our attorneys fight aggressively to obtain the best possible settlement available in your case. While we always attempt to negotiate a fair resolution without the need for costly and painful litigation, our opponents know that we will not hesitate to go to court in order to protect our clients’ interests. Call today for your free consultation.
Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.
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