Car accidents are horrible and can affect you for the rest of your life, whether you are the person who caused the accident or not. Over the years, there have been a few common denominators when it comes to car accidents. Our experienced attorneys at the Lake of the Ozarks are here to give you a few top causes of car accidents. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, give Deputy & Mizell a call at 417-344-8055 today for a free consultation.
The Top Causes of Car Accidents
(In no particular order)
Cause # 1
Drinking While Driving
According to the CDC, 28 people in the U.S. die every day from car accidents that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This number is staggering and could be prevented by more people choosing to call a taxi rather than driving while intoxicated.
Cause # 2
Distracted Driving
Today, there are many distractions that are causing car accidents. Choosing to text or check social media on your cell phone while driving can be a couple of the leading distractions. In addition, other distractions can include:
- Applying make-up
- Eating
- Brushing your hair
- Reading a book
- Turning around to talk to someone in the back seat
Avoid the distractions and focus on what matters, driving responsibly. Pay attention.
Cause # 3
While it can be very tempting to drive over the speed limit, resist. Speeding can be a huge cause of fatal accidents. When you speed you have a lesser chance of reacting quickly if something goes wrong. Pay attention to the speed limits, they are there for a reason.
Cause # 4
A Medical Condition
There are a number of medical conditions that can cause a car accident, such as a:
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Poor vision
- Seizure
- Diabetes
- Falling asleep at the wheel
While you can’t really control having a medical condition, be mindful of how you are feeling before you get behind the wheel. For example, if your eye contacts just expired and you don’t have another pair available or a pair of glasses to wear, either ask a friend or family member to drive you or call a taxi.
Cause # 5
Running a Stop Sign
Drivers have ignored and ran through stop signs so many times and doing so can cause serious car accidents. Don’t be distracted and pay attention to the stop signs, like the speed limit signs, they are there for a reason. Be sure to look both ways when at a stop sign.
Different Types of Missouri Motor Vehicle Accident Claims
No matter what type of auto accident you were in or how it happened, it is important that you understand your rights and options under the law. Even if you were partially responsible for the car accident, you may still have a claim for partial compensation for your losses. When you hire our firm, we work diligently to secure the maximum level of compensation available in your case.
We are prepared to represent you in any motor vehicle accident claim, including the following:
- Car accidents
- Truck crashes
- Motorcycle accidents
- Drunk driving accidents
- Accidents caused by distracted drivers
- Accidents involving cell phone usage or texting
- Mass transit accidents
- Accidents involving taxis or limousines
- Pedestrian and bicycle accidents
Deputy & Mizell is Ready to Help With Any Missouri Motor Vehicle Accident Injury
Auto accidents can result in extremely serious injuries that often require extensive long-term care for the victims. When these car accidents are caused due to the negligence of another person, victims have the right to seek full and fair compensation for their injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, you should seek the advice of an experienced Missouri Personal Injury Lawyer as soon as possible. The auto accident attorneys in Camdenton and Lebanon at the law firm of Deputy & Mizell, L.L.C., have successfully represented victims in a wide array of complex injury claims. Our extensive background in these cases has given us valuable insight into insurance company tactics and allowed us to develop effective strategies to protect our clients’ interest. For a free consultation, call 417-344-8055 today.
Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.
Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region
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