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Memorial Day weekend can be one of the BUSIEST weekends at the Lake of the Ozarks! This has been a tradition for many years – tourists from St. Louis, Kansas City, Iowa, etc. have been known to love coming here for this weekend and it is somewhat known as the beginning of the season for the Lake of the Ozarks visitors. That being said, our car accident lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks are here to give you a few safe driving tips for busy holiday weekends at the Lake of the Ozarks. If you find yourself as the victim of a car accident caused by the negligence of another driver, call our personal injury attorneys at the Lake of the Ozarks for your free consultation today. Deputy and Mizell can be reached at 417-532-2191 or 573-346-9990.


Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

3 Safe Driving Tips for BUSY Holiday Weekends at the Lake of the Ozarks

1. ALWAYS designate a sober driver no matter where you are coming back from.

It is never a safe idea to drive while intoxicated or under the influence. During Memorial Day weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks, there may be plenty of events going on where alcohol is readily available, also throughout the entire season at the Lake of the Ozarks, there are plenty of lakefront bars that are typically open serving alcohol. All of the being said is important that you either call a taxi or designate a sober friend or family member to drive you home if you have had too much to drink. 

2. Watch your speed.

With this being a holiday weekend, there may be even more law enforcement officers than usual patrolling the roads. If you are speeding you are likely to get pulled over and possibly a ticket. They have to do their jobs to make the Lake area safe and try and prevent accidents from occurring by pulling over speeders.

3. Avoid distractions while driving.

This is a BUSY holiday weekend and it only takes a few seconds for a car accident at the Lake of the Ozarks to occur. Avoid:

  • Eating while driving
  • Smoking while driving
  • Texting while driving
  • Grooming while driving
  • Drinking while driving
  • Reading a book while driving

…There are many known distractions to drivers but the point here is to stay focused on your driving.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

No matter what type of auto accident at the Lake of the Ozarks you have been in or how it happened, it is important that you understand your rights and options under the law and our car accident lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks can help. Did you know, even if you were partially responsible for the car accident, you may still have a claim for partial compensation for your losses? When you hire Deputy and Mizell, we work diligently to secure the maximum level of compensation available in your case. Give us a call today for your free consultation.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region

                                             Lebanon: 417-532-2191                                               

Camdenton: 573-346-9990  




