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Summer is approaching quickly. Summer 2020 officially starts June 20th. You likely want to have as much time as possible with your kids while they are on summer vacation, but your custody agreement may not allow it. It is important to realize that child custody agreements are not always “set in stone”. Our child custody lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks are here to give you a few points to consider when changing your agreement in this week’s blog. It’s important to understand all your options when it comes to changing child custody and our Lake of the Ozarks attorneys can walk you through this process so that you aren’t caught off guard at all along the way. Call Deputy and Mizell today for your free consultation. We can be reached at our Lebanon office at 417-532-2191 and our Camdenton office at 573-346-9990. Deputy and Mizell – Where We Put People Before Profits.         

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Points to Consider When Changing Child Custody

Typically, you MUST have proper cause for changing child custody. Here are few of the commonly known reasons one may want to change their custody agreement:

The primary custodial parent…

  • Has decided they no longer want custody for whatever reason.
  • Moved your child to another location. This could cause them all sorts of emotional problems. They would have to adjust to being in a new school district, new people, etc.
  • Has been using illegal drugs or driving while intoxicated.
  • Will be imprisoned at a future date. Your child could be traumatized knowing his or her father or mother is about to be imprisoned. This is not a situation any child should have to go through.
  • Has decided they no longer want custody for whatever reason, this can be another situation where a modification needs to be made.
  • Has remarried someone who threatens the child. If the new spouse is mistreating your child, such as abuse, physical or mental – this could be grounds for a modification.


Anytime you are trying to change a child custody agreement:

  1. The change must be in the best interest of the child.
  2. A substantial change in circumstances must be present that requires a change in the custody arrangement, such as:
  • One parent deliberately trying to keep the child from the other
  • The change in the quality of living arrangement provided to the child
  • Participation in the child’s life
  • Financial hardships
  • Physical or mental health issues

    The change MUST be of a permanent or substantial nature. Temporary changes won’t count here.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks


Get Your FREE Child Custody Consultation Today!

If you feel you’re currently involved in a situation where you would have proper cause to change a child custody agreement, call an experienced child custody attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks today. At the very least, get your questions answered and see if this is really worth legally pursuing. Give us a call today, our phone numbers are listed below.


Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region

                                             Lebanon: 417-532-2191                                               

Camdenton: 573-346-9990  




