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The holiday season is in session and holiday parties can be quite frequent this time of year. The temptation to drink and drive is there, but at all costs, you should always avoid drinking and driving and call a sober ride. The consequences are just NOT worth it. Our DWI lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks are here to give you a few tips for fighting DWI charges. For a DWI lawyer in Camden County, you can count on, call Deputy and Mizell today for your free consultation.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

How to Fight DWI Charges

Watch What You Say

If an officer suspects you of drunk driving, he will likely do and say things he believes will make you more likely to admit to the crime. Be cautious of the things you say to an officer, since (as he will inform you when he reads you your rights) anything you say can be used against you. Admitting to driving while intoxicated can make it extremely difficult to secure a lighter sentence. Lying to a police officer is never a good idea, however. If you are unsure of how to answer a question, remember that you are not required to answer any questions before you have had an opportunity to consult with your attorney. Respectfully inform the officer that you wish to invoke your right to speak with an attorney before answering any further questions.

Contact A DWI Defense Attorney

A DWI arrest often leads to criminal charges for driving while intoxicated, so it is important to secure quality legal representation from an experienced DWI defense attorney. By contacting your attorney early on in the process, you will be able to get more than just representation in court – you will also have access to sound legal counsel to guide you along the way.

Take Notes Of Everything That Happened The Night Of Your Arrest

The more your attorney knows about the circumstances surrounding your arrest, the better-equipped he will be to defend your position. Time has a way of blurring details, so we recommend you take notes of everything that before, during, and immediately following the arrest. Examples of details to make note of include:

The officer’s behavior during the arrest
What (if any) instructions you were given and how you responded
These notes will help your attorney to get a complete understanding of the details surrounding your arrest. Remember to be completely honest with your attorney when sharing this information.
How much you had to drink
How much time passed between your last drink and the time you were arrested
The information you told the police officer
If/when you were read your Miranda rights

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Fight DWIs with Deputy and Mizell

Please drive safely this holiday season. Have fun, but be safe! When you hire our firm for a DWI case, we closely examine every aspect of your case. We build the strongest possible defense in an effort to obtain the most favorable outcome on your behalf. We have been successful in previous cases challenging the validity of the initial traffic stop, the accuracy of field sobriety or blood alcohol concentration (BAC) tests and many other issues.

We have experience handling all types of alcohol-related offenses, including the following:

First-offense DWI
Prior offender and persistent offender cases
Breath or blood test refusal and other implied consent matters
Minor in possession of alcohol
Open bottle
Boating while intoxicated offenses

If you are in need of an experienced DWI lawyer at the Lake of the Ozarks, whether you live here or are just visiting, call Deputy and Mizell today for your free consultation.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

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