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If you have been charged with a crime, your very future is at stake. If you are convicted, you may experience significant difficulty finding employment, pursuing higher education, obtaining a loan, and securing housing, just to name a few examples. It is imperative that you work with a high-quality criminal defense attorney in Lebanon MO who has experience with your specific type of charge in order to ensure that you are not unjustly punished. Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting your criminal defense attorney.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks


You Don’t Have To Hire The First Attorney You Interview
Many people don’t think of it this way, but your initial consultation is an interview. It’s your opportunity to discuss your case with your potential attorney, your chance to determine whether or not you trust him to handle your case. If you are not completely impressed with what your attorney has to say, don’t be afraid to look elsewhere for representation. Because we understand the importance of this interview process, the attorneys at Deputy & Mizell, LLC offer free initial consultations so you can conduct your interview without any financial obligation.
Not All Criminal Defense Attorneys Are Created Equal
Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Every industry has some professionals that are better than others. Criminal defense is a complex legal discipline and it’s important to find an attorney who will be able to navigate your case effectively and efficiently. This is especially critical if your charges are severe. Our criminal defense attorneys at the Lake of the Ozarks have experience representing clients against a wide array of criminal charges, including:

  • DWI
  • BWI
  • Assault
  • Sex Offenses
  • Violence Crimes
  • White Collar Crimes
You Must Find An Attorney You Trust
Last but certainly not least, you must hire an attorney you trust. Your attorney will be your ally and your advocate throughout the entire legal process, and a strong attorney-client relationship is essential if the case is to go well. You will have to keep your attorney constantly informed and be entirely honest with him about your situation. Before entering into a legal relationship, it is imperative that you find an attorney you feel that you can trust.
Contact Deputy & Mizell LLC To Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are facing criminal charges in Tuscumbia MO, Lebanon, or the Lake of the Ozarks, we sincerely hope you will contact our law firm in mid-Missouri to schedule your free initial consultation. One of our attorneys would be honored to work with you on your case. Visit our website to learn more about how we may be able to help you.

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC


Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks
Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region

Lebanon: 417-532-2191
Camdenton: 573-346-9990
Tuscumbia: 573-369-0001

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