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If you have been arrested, tried, and convicted of a crime, the next step will be for the Court to deliver your sentence. Depending on the nature of the crime you committed, this sentence may include various combinations of incarceration, fines, or community service. Depending on the details surrounding your specific situation, you may qualify for an alternative to jail time that is commonly referred to as “house arrest.” Keep reading to learn more about house arrest and the rules governing it, courtesy of our criminal defense attorneys at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

What Is House Arrest?

House arrest is a form of sentencing that may be ordered instead of traditional incarceration. If you are placed under house arrest, you will be allowed to serve your sentence in the comfort and familiarity of your own home instead of a public jail or prison. While house arrest may seem much more appealing, it is important to recognize that it is still a legitimate form of punishment that places strict limitations on the sentenced individual.

What Are The Parameters Of House Arrest?

If you have been sentenced to house arrest, you will be required to wear a monitoring device at all times. This device will be constantly monitored by a third party who will be able to tell if you leave your home unlawfully or if you attempt to remove the device. You may also be required to pay for the fees associated with maintaining such a device.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Though you will be required to wear this device 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you may not be required to remain in your home at all times. You may be allowed to leave your residence at certain times of day for specific purposes, such as to attend work, school, church, doctor’s appointments, or meeting with your probation officer. You may also be required to abide by government imposed curfews that require you to be home by a certain time or to refrain from leaving your home after dark. Typically, the more serious your crime, the fewer freedoms you will be given.

Who Qualifies For House Arrest?

House arrest is generally reserved for first-time offenders who have committed non-violent, relatively harmless crimes. Typically, you will only be approved for house arrest if no one was or would have been physically hurt by the nature of your crime. You may be approved for house arrest if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • You have a history of steady, reliable employment
  • You are a first-time offender without an existing criminal background
  • Your crime was non-violent in nature
House arrest may also be granted to juvenile offenders so they can remain under the supervision of their parents. Generally speaking, house arrest provides a good compromise for situations wherein jail time seems like too harsh a punishment for the offender, but only being sentenced to parole seems too light.
Contact Deputy & Mizell For Help Securing House Arrest

If you are facing criminal charges and would like to negotiate for house arrest as your sentence, contact one of our experienced criminal defense attorneys in Mid-Missouri for representation. We can help you defend your rights and negotiate a fair sentence for your specific situation. 

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC

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