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Factors That Play into Social Security Disability Eligibility

By April 12, 2018February 1st, 2022SSD

Social Security Disability plays a huge role in supporting yourself, if you are physically unable to work. It has been referred to as “America’s safety net”. Social Security Disability consists of monthly cash benefits that those who qualify get during their time of need, but how does someone qualify and how do they know if they are eligible or not for Social Security Disability? Our social security disability lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks are here to help you better understand what’s required to be eligible for Social Security Disability. If you are applying for Social Security Disability, call Deputy and Mizell. Having an experienced lawyer at your side can help you through this process and provide much-needed information that you most likely wouldn’t have without our help.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks


Factors That Play into Social Security Disability Eligibility

Applying for Social Security Disability can be lengthy process. It typically consists of the following:

1. File an initial application.
2. If denied, request for consideration.
3. If still denied, request a hearing level.
4. If you don’t agree with the decision, bring it to the Appeals Council.
5. If denied by the Appeals Council, appeal to the Federal District Court.


Outside of applying for Social Security Disability there are a few other things to consider.


Are you still working while injured?

The claim examiners pay very close attention to your behavior even after you have started receiving benefits. If it seems like you are trying to “cheat the system” and collect benefits but still work, you could be legally required to pay all those benefits back. The point here is that these benefits are meant for people who either truly can’t work at all or can only work part-time. So for example, if you are getting benefits because your disability prevents you from working full time, then you can’t work more than your allotted part time hours. If you do, you may be required to pay those benefits back.


Do your spending habits reflect a financial need for Social Security Disability?

If you apply for social security disability, but then go by a 4 level, lakeview property – the odds are, you don’t have the financial need for Social Security Disability. Claim examiners can also look into this sort of thing as well, so be aware of that when apply for Social Security Disability.


Are you complying with your doctor’s directions and taking your medication?

If you aren’t making the effort to get better and take your medication – you could be making your claim examiners feel suspicious of you, like you are trying to stay disabled, so you can keep collecting benefits and not have to work. The system isn’t really designed to work that way and it’s best to just follow your doctor’s directions.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Don’t Apply for Social Security Disability By Yourself.

When you hire Deputy & Mizell for your Social Security Disability case, you get the most for your money. We have had countless clients tell us they were hesitant to get a disability attorney because they could not afford one. Our fee is completely contingent on winning your case, which means we do not get paid unless you win. If you hire us, we will have you sign a fee agreement which allows us to collect 25% of the past due benefits you are awarded, up to a maximum of $6,000. We try to make the process as easy as possible for you. For a free consultation, call us at 573-346-9990.


Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

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