The holidays will be here before you know it! Christmas and Thanksgiving are right around the corner and being with your family during these special times can be so amazing. However, when you have divorced and you have children with your ex, sometimes scheduling your time with your shared children can be challenging. Our child custody lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks are here to give you a few child custody tips for the holiday season in this week’s blog. If you are having legal troubles with your child custody agreement, call Deputy and Mizell today for your free consultation. We can be reached at 573-346-9990.
Child Custody Tips for the Holiday Season
Clear communication can be key in any child custody issue. When it comes to the holidays, for example, be honest and upfront with your ex. Be polite and understanding when it comes to your children. Remember, they didn’t choose this divorce and it doesn’t do anyone any good to argue and get dramatic around the holidays. Here are a few tips to make scheduling your time with your children around the holidays easier.
Plan ahead and don’t change plans unless absolutely necessary.
Sticking to a clear plan that both parties agree upon can make this process easier. Create a plan, well in advance, for how you and your ex will spend time with your children around the holidays. Don’t change this plan unless you absolutely have to. For example, if there is an emergency and you have to change at the last minute, that may be understandable. However, just deciding at the last minute that you would like more time just because, is NOT a good idea.
Try splitting the holidays and sharing your time equally.
For example, if you both live in the same city, plan your own holiday functions and have your child attend both. For Thanksgiving, one of you could have your child the day of and the other the day after and then alternate each year. True happiness with your family for the holidays doesn’t have to be on the actual holiday to be enjoyable. You can still make some unforgettable memories with your loved ones the day after Thanksgiving or on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day. The point here is to be flexible and do what is best for your child.
Be on time with drop offs.
Be a team player here and don’t get greedy with your time with your child. When it’s time to drop your child off to your ex for their time around the holidays, be on time. Don’t be late just to be annoying and to get on your ex’s nerves. This does no one in the family any good and will get you no where. Be on time and stick to the schedule. If there is an emergency and you are running late, let your ex know as soon as possible.
Child Custody Lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks
When you hire our law firm, you can rely on us to pursue every available option in an effort to ensure that you are in the best possible situation in your child custody case. While we always attempt to negotiate a fair resolution without the need for costly and painful litigation, our opponents know that we will not hesitate to go to court in order to protect our clients’ interests.
We have experience handling all types of family law matters, including the following:
- Divorce, including high-asset divorce
- Child custody and visitation
- Child support
- Spousal maintenance or alimony
- Property division, including business valuation and division
- Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
- Post-divorce modifications
- Paternity matters
Call us today for your free consultation. You can stay up to date on our latest by following us on our social media channels listed below.
Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.
Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region
Lebanon: 417-532-2191
Camdenton: 573-346-9990