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At Deputy and Mizell, we know that becoming disabled can be mentally and emotionally overwhelming, and not being able to work because of a disability can be financially devastating. When someone is disabled and unable to work, they may qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) to receive monthly cash benefits to help them make ends meet financially. However, applying for Social Security Disability can be daunting for many people. 

Only 30% of SSD applications are approved initially, the rest are denied.  That means many people who are on disability today were denied on their first application and had to go through a process to appeal.  Having an experienced Social Security Disability attorney in Camdenton and Lebanon, MO, who knows the process can increase your chances of a successful outcome.  If you or someone you love is dealing with a disability that prevents them from working and would like to know more about what to do (and not to do) during the SSD application process, keep reading this blog! Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks


Get Professional Help. Applying for SSD is complicated, and mistakes or omissions can cost you time or even prevent your application from being approved.  Plus, if your application is initially denied as most are, having guidance from an experience SSD attorney through the appeals process is a huge asset when it comes to being able to clearly prove that you meet the qualifications for SSD and you are not able to work. The attorneys at Deputy and Mizell are experienced Social Security Disability lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks and they are able to guide you through the entire process.

Follow Medical Advice. If you do not show every effort to get better, your disability claim could be questioned.  You should follow your health care professional’s advice when it comes to taking medications, participating in therapy, and taking exams or tests. Sometimes those exams or tests are needed to prove your case and may be vital to getting your claim approved.  If the medication or therapy is having a negative side-effect, let your doctor know and document it.  Don’t just quit without communicating.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks


Do Not Apply if You Plan to Work. SSD is for people who are UNABLE to work.  It is considered cheating the system to receive monthly benefits for being unable to work if you have the ability to work.  If you plan to work, do not apply for SSD benefits. As much as that seems like common sense, it is a common mistake people make and can be legally and financially costly.  It is just not worth it.

Do Not Give Up If Your Initial Application is Denied. Being denied does not mean that you do not qualify.  It does mean you will have to go through the process of appealing and proving your case.  Don’t give up, and don’t try to do it on your own.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks


If you are having trouble getting your SSD claim approved, call Deputy and Mizell.  We know how difficult it can be dealing with a disability that impacts your livelihood.  A long SSD application process that still gets denied doesn’t help with that frustration.  Let our Social Security Disability attorneys can help you every step of the way through the entire application process.  Call us at 5573-346-9990 today to schedule a free consultation and get the help you deserve.  For more legal news and tips follow us on our social media channels below to stay informed.

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region

                                             Lebanon: 417-532-2191                                               

Camdenton: 573-346-9990  



Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks
