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As Social Security Disability attorneys in Camdenton and Lebanon, MO, we have seen how hard it is for our clients to make ends meet when they have been disabled to the point they are unable to work.  At Deputy and Mizell we know the social security disability claims process can be long and exhausting for clients, and we can’t imagine someone trying to walk that road on their own.  If you need to apply for social security disability benefits in mid-Missouri we strongly encourage you to talk with an experienced attorney before you file your claim.  Our central Missouri disability lawyers are available during regular business hours and by appointment evenings and weekends. You can reach us by phone at 417-344-8055, toll-free at 1-877-532-2191, or by using the contact form on our website. If you would like to know a little more about the process, keep reading this blog!  We will answer 9 common questions our social security disability clients ask us.  

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

1) When is a person considered disabled by Social Security Disability? To be considered disabled by the SSA, a person must have an impairment that meets the definition of disability. This can be either medical, psychological, or psychiatric in nature.  

2) Is there anything I should know before applying for Social Security Disability? It is extremely important to be prepared before applying for disability. A lot of disability claims are denied because the claimant did not fill out the application completely or accurately. Social security adjudicators and Administrative Law Judges give substantial weight to medical records. So before you apply, it is crucial to make a list of all the names and addresses of the medical providers and doctors you have sought treatment from for your disability. Also, make a list of all the prescription medications you take and every place you worked in the last 15 years prior to applying for disability. To be eligible for social security disability benefits you must have been unable to work a full-time job for 12 months because of a disabling medical condition or you must be expected to be unable to work for 12 months. If possible it is my recommendation to wait 12 months after your disability prevented you from working to apply for disability benefits because you are much more likely to win.  

3) How do I apply for Social Security Disability or SSI benefits? There are several ways to apply for Social Security Disability benefits or SSI benefits based on disability. You can apply online by going to the Social Security Administration’s website at www.ssa.gov. Claimants can apply by telephone by calling 1-800-722-1213 and you can also go to your region’s social security office and state that you wish to file an application.  

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

4) What Kind of Evidence Is Used to Evaluate and Decide My Disability Benefits Claim? For a Social Security disability case, medical evidence takes many forms, including physician treatment notes, mental health records, bloodwork panels, and imaging results.  

5) If I am applying for social security, should I seek medical treatment? Regardless of whether you are considering applying for disability benefits or your case is pending, it is critical to seek as much medical treatment for your disability as you can. The Social Security Administration gives substantial weight to medical records and any medical treatments you have had for your disability because it is considered objective evidence that accurately describes your disability. If you cannot afford health insurance, we would recommend applying for Medicaid.  

6) If My Social Security Disability or SSI Claim Gets Denied, What Do I Do? If you are denied on your Social Security Disability or SSI benefit claim, you should request an appeal immediately, within the 60-day deadline.  

7) How Long Does a Social Security Disability or SSI Appeal Take? It depends on the type of claim, the condition of your medical records, and the workload of your claims examiner.  

8) Will I Have to File More than one Social Security Disability Appeal? Generally, the rule is this: If you are denied on your initial claim for disability benefits, you will probably be denied on your first appeal as well.  

9) How do I pay for a social security lawyer? We know we covered this in part one of this blog, but we have had so many clients tell us they were hesitant to get a disability attorney because they could not afford one. So, we want to cover it again in part two.  Our fee is completely contingent on winning your case, which means we do not get paid unless you win. If you hire us, we will have you sign a fee agreement which allows us to collect 25% of the past due benefits you are awarded, up to a maximum of $6,000.  

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks


These are just a few of the questions our clients will ask us. If you have more questions, we are happy to talk with you.  At Deputy and Mizell we offer free consultations and have represented claimants from Kansas City to St. Louis, Jefferson City, Columbia, and throughout Missouri. We empathize with our clients during the process and remind them it is definitely more like a marathon than a sprint.  But keep in mind if you are awarded benefits, you will receive past due benefits for the time that you waited. If you think you may qualify for social security disability, schedule a free consultation with one of our mid-Missouri social security attorneys. To hear more tips and information from Deputy and Mizell, be sure to follow us on the social media channels below.  

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region

                                             Lebanon: 417-532-2191                                               

Camdenton: 573-346-9990  


