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Candy, costumes, parties, trick-or-treating… Halloween is a fun-filled holiday that many children look forward to all year long. Unfortunately, it can also be a very dangerous night. Different news outlets estimate that kids are anywhere from 2-4 times more likely to be hit by a car on Halloween than any other night of the year. Cars aren’t the only things that pose risks to children this time of year; kids can also be injured by drunk drivers, flames, and sharp objects. This Halloween, our general practice law firm in Mid-Missouri is here to help you protect your children with these quick safety tips.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

1. Only Cross The Street In Designated Areas
Despite the fact that it’s illegal, countless people jaywalk every day. Jaywalking is always dangerous, but is especially hazardous on Halloween. Drivers’ visibility is reduced at nighttime, and they may not be on the lookout for people crossing the street in random areas. Reduce your chances of being hit by only crossing at intersections and crosswalks.

2. Teach Kids To Make Eye Contact With Drivers
Assuming that a driver saw you can be a dangerous mistake. Teach your children that before crossing the street, they should make eye contact with drivers to ensure that they have been seen. If they are unsure of whether or not the driver has seen them, tell them to wave; if the driver waves back, they should be in the clear.

3. Use Eye-Catching Costumes
Dressing in all-black or other dark costumes can be dangerous for kids, as it makes them even harder to be seen in the dark. Protect your little ones by putting reflective stickers, tape, or other markings on their costumes so that drivers are more likely to see them. Carrying flashlights is also a good idea.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

4. Supervise Children At All Times
Children should never be allowed to go trick-or-treating without the supervision of a responsible adult. If they are going with a group of friends, you may want to designate several adults so they can keep an eye on everyone more easily.

5. Remind Teens Of Legal Boundaries
Halloween night is often a night filled with mischief. Some pranks are innocent and fun, but others are disrespectful and even illegal. Toilet-papering someone’s house and egging someone’s car are two examples of common pranks that may actually have legal consequences.

6. Use Face Paint Instead Of Masks
Masks can restrict vision, making it harder for kids to see (and get out of the way of) oncoming traffic. Instead of dressing in masks, opt for non-toxic face paint to complete your costumes. If your children insist on using masks, make sure they eye holes are at least twice as big as their eyes.

7. Designate A Meeting Place In Case Of Emergencies
Even the best-laid plans can go awry sometimes. Before going trick-or-treating, designate a meeting place to use in an emergency. That way, if you become separated from your children, you will both know exactly where to go.

8. Inspect The Candy
Unfortunately, people have been known to tamper with Halloween candy and make it unsafe for children. Before your children dig in to their treasures, inspect it to make sure it hasn’t obviously been tampered with. This is also a good time to go through it and make sure your children are not allergic to any of the candy they received.

9. Keep Your Teens From Getting Behind The Wheel
Adults tend to get just as excited about Halloween as young children, but adult parties often involve substantial amounts of alcohol. Unfortunately, Halloween night is notorious for drunk drivers being out on the road. If your teens are attending parties or other events, arrange for them to get a ride with an experienced adult driver.

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC If You Need Legal Counsel
On behalf of the whole team at Deputy & Mizell, LLC, we wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable Halloween weekend. We hope that by following simple safety precautions such as these, you will be able to ensure the safety of those you love. If something should happen that would lead you to seek legal representation, remember that our personal injury attorneys in Lebanon MO and criminal defense attorneys in Camdenton MO will be here for you.

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks
Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region

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