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When is an Annulment Necessary?

By December 10, 2017June 18th, 2019Deputy & Mizell LLC

When your marriage doesn’t work and you have decided to end it, did you know that you may have another choice besides divorce? Annulment of your marriage may be a better course of action for you depending on your situation. Many people may think annulment is easier, but that is not necessarily true. In order to get an annulment, you must have a certain reason to do so because annulments aren’t for everyone.  An annulment invalidates a marriage and makes it as if it never existed.  An experienced attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks can help you decide if an annulment is right for your situation or if you should get a divorce instead. Deputy and Mizell is here to give you the differences between a divorce and an annulment, along with reasons why you may get an annulment.  If you are seeking an annulment, call Deputy & Mizell.

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Divorce vs. Annulment

The main difference between an annulment and a divorce is that an annulment treats a marriage is if it never happened. Some people may opt for an annulment over a divorce because it may be easier to remarry in their church. There also may be certain rules at your church concerning annulment. Annulments shouldn’t be taken lightly though because you have to have a particular reason for getting an annulment over a divorce. Keep reading to find 7 reasons that could qualify your marriage for an annulment over a divorce.

Reasons Why Your Marriage Could Be Annulled

Reason #1

Bigamy – You married someone who was already married.

Reason #2

Lack of mental capacity – You weren’t mentally competent when you were married. If your senses were impaired by alcohol or drugs, or you married someone who didn’t have the mental capacity to understand what was happening, this could be considered grounds for an annulment.

Reason #3

Under age – If you were under the age of 15 in Missouri and you married, your marriage could be deemed invalid and you may be able to get an annulment over a divorce.

Reason #4

Married to kin – You married someone who you are related to.

Reason #5

Under duress –  You were forced into getting married.

Reason #6

Failure to consummate your marriage – If you marry someone and your spouse conceals the fact that he or she can’t consummate the marriage, it’s possible that your marriage can be annulled.

Reason #7

Fraud – If you marry someone from another country, only to help grant your spouse U.S. citizenship, your marriage could possibly be invalid and be annulled.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks


How to Get an Annulment

Consult with an experienced attorney to see if an annulment is the best thing for you. You must prove that your marriage has grounds for an annulment (see reasons above). If you can prove this, you may then ask the court for an annulment. Your attorney can help you file all of the proper paperwork to help make this happen.

If you are seeking an annulment, it’s important that you consult with one of our experienced attorneys at the Lake of the Ozarks. An annulment can be a bit more complex than a divorce because of the qualifications involved. Our attorneys can help you understand whether or not an annulment is the best solution for you. Going through any family law matter can be extremely difficult for everyone involved. The anxiety over an uncertain future and the frustration over unfamiliar legal issues can sometimes be too much to bear. At times like these, having a strong advocate who is committed to ensuring that your interests are protected can be an invaluable asset. Call Deputy and Mizell for a free consultation. Our Lake of the Ozarks lawyers provide aggressive, dedicated representation to men and women throughout the Lake of the Ozarks region in all aspects of family law.


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