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It is a tragedy to lose someone you love unexpectedly, but when it happens under questionable circumstances, it can be next to impossible to find closure.  As wrongful death attorneys in Camdenton and Lebanon, MO, we don’t want anyone to have to suffer something so painful.  But we know it happens, and we are dedicated to helping families during such a terrible time.

While the legal implications of your loved one’s death may be the farthest thing from your mind, it is important that you speak to an attorney who can help you understand your rights and see that they are protected. Deputy & Mizell can look into the facts around your loved one’s death so you can focus on your family and allow yourself to grieve. If you have lost someone under suspicious circumstances and would like to know more about what you can do, we invite you to read the rest of this blog.  If you would like to talk to an attorney in Mid-Missouri about your wrongful death claim, call Deputy & Mizell.  Your first consultation is free.  

Examples of wrongful death lawsuits include those resulting from:

  • Auto accidents
  • Drunk driving crashes
  • Truck wrecks
  • Boating accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • And many more incidents

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks  

Only Certain People Can Sue for Wrongful Death in Missouri

Missouri has specific rules for who may file a wrongful death lawsuit in civil court. Those who can bring such a claim are:

  • Spouse
  • Children
  • Grandchildren
  • Parents

If the deceased person has no surviving spouse, children, grandchildren, or parents, then a claim may be brought by a sibling. Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks  

You May Be Able to Receive Compensation

We know that no amount of money can ever replace the loss of your loved one. It is only our hope that we can put you and your family in the best possible situation as you transition into this next phase of your life. You can rely on us to be there with you at every step and to resolve your case in the most efficient and stress-free manner possible. Among the damages surviving family members are allowed to seek in a wrongful death claim are the following:

  • Medical and funeral expenses
  • Loss of benefits, such as medical insurance
  • Loss of future inheritance
  • Loss of future income
  • Loss of care and companionship
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental distress

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks    

What Deputy and Mizell Will Do for You

  • Investigate the accidental death and gather evidence to build a strong claim
  • Retain experts to testify to help prove your loved one’s death was caused by negligence
  • Fight against the lawyers of large insurance firms
  • Demand fair compensation, whether that is in settlement negotiations or representing you in court

Discuss Your Claim with a Fatal Accident Lawyer

At the law firm of Deputy & Mizell, L.L.C., we represent the families of victims whose lives were cut short because of another person’s negligence. Our Lake of the Ozarks wrongful death attorneys have handled claims involving fatal injuries arising from all types of accidents and we may be able to help you. Let us take care of this important matter for your family, contact us today for a free consultation. We will help you understand your legal options and make sure that all of your questions are answered before we move forward with any course of action. We are available during regular business hours and by appointment evenings and weekends. You can reach us by phone at 417-344-8055, toll-free at 1-877-532-2191, or by using the contact form on our website to schedule your free initial consultation with a lawyer serving clients in Miller County.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region

                                             Lebanon: 417-532-2191                                               

Camdenton: 573-346-9990  


