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Legal Driving Myths – DEBUNKED

By August 11, 2017June 18th, 2019Uncategorized

There are many myths out there pertaining to driving that many people wonder about. As an experienced law office at the Lake of the Ozarks, we feel we should set the record straight. In this blog, Deputy & Mizell will highlight some well-known driving myths in Missouri and give you the correct legal answers. Here are some of the common questions asked about driving and legal issues.


Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks


Driving Myths is Missouri

Is it illegal to text and drive in Missouri?

It is illegal to text and drive if you are under the age of 21, but it is still highly recommended to NOT text and drive at any age. The statewide primary law prohibits texting for all drivers under the age of 21. This means younger drivers can be pulled can be pulled over simply for texting, even if they are not breaking any other laws.

To better answer some other questions regarding legal driving myths, we captured an interview that was done by OzarksFirst to the Missouri Highway Patrol.

** The following questions and answers are from an interview conducted by OzarksFirst to Sgt. Jason Pace with the Missouri Highway Patrol.**

Is it legal to drive barefoot?

It is legal to drive barefoot, but we strongly recommend that you don’t drive barefoot for safety reasons. Here is Sgt. Pace had to say.

“Contrary to what most people believe, it is not illegal to drive barefoot in the state of Missouri,” says Sgt. Jason Pace with the Highway Patrol. “Now we know that it’s safer to drive with shoes that way you avoid your foot slipping from the petal. But it actually is only a recommendation in the state of Missouri.”

Is it legal to wear headphones when you’re driving?

You should definitely not drive with headphone because it can be:

  • difficult to respond in the case of an emergency while driving
  • hear honking signals from other drivers
  • distracting at all times while driving

Here is what Sgt. Pace had to say on the matter.

“That’s actually another myth,” says Sgt. Pace. “It is actually not illegal to be wearing headphones while driving. It does add a distraction and it becomes unsafe and your risk of being involved in an accident is increased.”

Is it legal to have my 12-year-old or younger child sit in the front seat of my car?

“A lot of times people feel that if they’re under the age of 12, or actually 12 and younger it is required for them to be in the back seat,” adds Sgt. Pace. “That is purely a recommendation. So we do encourage and it’s based on a recommendation that anyone 12 or younger be seated in the back seat.” We also recommend that younger children sit in a safety approved car seat.

What is the actual distance that you can follow another car?

According to Sgt. Pace, “It turns out, there is no minimum requirement. But a good rule of thumb is one car length for every 10 miles per hour on the highway.”

Is it legal to have my windows tinted in Missouri?

According to the Missouri Highway State Patrol, vehicles registered in Missouri may have the windows to the right and left of the driver tinted to 35 percent, plus or minus 3 percent more light transmittance. Windows behind the driver and the rear glass are not subject to tint limitations. The windshield is NOT to be tinted, except for the portion at the top.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Questions on What’s Legal While Driving?

Deputy & Mizell has 70 + years of combined legal experience in the Lake of the Ozarks, Camdenton, Lebanon, and Eldon. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about legal driving. When you are facing complex legal issues, it is critical that you choose an attorney with the experience and capability to protect your interests. We understand how difficult it can be to find an attorney you can trust with your sensitive legal issues.


Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

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