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Almost everyone will use some sort of legal representation our counsel at some point in their lives. Despite its purveyance in today’s world, however, there are many myths and misconceptions that still surround the legal field. This week, the team at Deputy & Mizell, LLC is here to help clear up some of these myths. You might be surprised by what you learn!

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

MYTH:  If you are drafting a “simple” contract, you don’t need to consult with an attorney.

FACT:  There is no such thing as a “simple” contract. Contrary to what many people believe, written contracts can be broken or voided in a number of different ways. Consulting with an attorney as you draft your contracts can help ward off potential legal complications and hassles in the future.

MYTH:  You can only be charged with a DUI if your Blood Alcohol Content is over the legal limit.

FACT:  The legal blood Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) limit is 0.08%. However, many people lose their ability to properly and safely operate a vehicle before their BAC reaches this point. You may be charged with a DUI if you have enough alcohol (or prescription drugs) in your system to “impair” your driving abilities, even if your BAC level is lower than 0.08%.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

MYTH:  Posts on blogs or social media are exempt from libel claims.

FACT:  You may be charged with libel for posting defaming comments about others – even if you follow your statement with a so-called disclaimer, such as “in my opinion.” If your comments cause damage to someone’s reputation, you may be legally liable.

MYTH:  You can protect your home from intruders by using legal force against anyone who breaks in.

FACT:  While you are allowed to protect your home, you are not allowed to kill any trespassers or intruders that make the mistake of entering your property. The only time the use of lethal force may be allowed is if you have reason to believe that deadly force is the only way to protect yourself or your family.

MYTH:  Attorneys should only be hired as a last result.

FACT:  Most people are nervous and hesitant to hire an attorney in Lebanon, MO. If they’re going to hire a lawyer, they will only do so as a very last resort. However, the reality is that hiring an attorney in central Missouri sooner than later may be able to save you a great deal of time and money in the long run.

Hiring An Attorney In Mid Missouri?
With offices in Lebanon, Camdenton, and Tuscumbia, Deputy & Mizell, LLC is central Missouri’s most trusted law firm. Our experienced attorneys are adept at handling cases in a wide variety of legal fields, including personal injury law, criminal defense, divorce and family law, and social security disability. If you are in need of a trusted attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks or any of the surrounding areas, we hope you will keep us in mind!

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC


Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region
Lebanon: 417-532-2191
Camdenton: 573-346-9990
Tuscumbia: 573-369-0001

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