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If you’re like most people, becoming a parent will change your life forever. Nothing will be more important than caring for your child and ensuring his safety at all times. Unfortunately, tragic accidents can happen in an instant. The products you use to care for your children can pose serious risk if manufactured poorly or if not used with proper care/supervision.

Keep reading to learn more about protecting your children from dangerous products, courtesy of our product liability attorneys in Lebanon MO.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Product Liability Law

From the moment she is born, your child will be exposed to countless products. Cribs, baby carriers, toys, strollers, car seats, bassinets, diapers, bottles, clothes, baby monitors, bathtubs… the list of baby-geared product types goes on and on. Many of these products are manufactured by large, well-known brands. Unfortunately, big-name brands are sometimes more interested in boosting their bottom line than ensuring your child’s safety.

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 mandates that all children’s products and toys undergo sufficient safety testing before being placed on the market. Unfortunately, these testing requirements are not always fulfilled thoroughly. Every year, emergency rooms treat thousands of children who are injured from common nursery products.

If a manufacturer fails to perform adequate testing of a product prior to its release or fails to provide adequate warning information on the product, parents may be able to pursue financial compensation for any resulting injuries via a product liability lawsuit. An experienced Lake of the Ozarks personal injury attorney will be a valuable asset in this endeavor.

Protecting Your Children In Everyday Life

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the OzarksWhile inadequate testing or labeling can pose serious risks for parents and children, improper usage can be just as dangerous. Here are a few sample reminders of ways to protect your children through safe everyday practices.

  • Baby Wearing
    • “Baby wearing” is the modern term used to refer to the practice of “wearing” babies in backpacks, slings, wraps, and other carriers. Baby wearing offers several great benefits, but it can be dangerous if not done safely. Babies under 4 months of age may be at risk for suffocation against the fabric of the carriers or even the parent’s chest. Make sure that your baby’s face is always visible and that her airways are kept free.
  • Bath Time
    • Though a fun tradition in most households, bath time can be dangerous if not properly supervised. The CDC estimates that about 1 in 5 people who die from drowning are age fourteen or younger. Not only that, but for every child who dies from drowning, five more receive emergency care for nonfatal submersion injuries. In order to keep your children safe during bath time, it is essential that you supervise them closely at all times. Never leave a young child unattended or under the exclusive supervision of an older sibling.
  • Toys With Small Pieces
    • It is common knowledge that toys with small pieces present dangerous choking hazards for young children, but the gravity of the potential danger they present cannot be underestimated. It is critical that children ages three and under not be allowed access to toys or other items with small pieces (or items that have the potential to easily break into small pieces). As a general rule of thumb, if an item fits into the cardboard tube from a paper towel roll, it is too small to be safe for young children.
Deputy & Mizell, LLC Is Here To Protect Your Child’s Interests
As the parent, you are ultimately responsible for keeping your children safe in any way that you can. In the common situations we just discussed (baby wearing, bath time, and choking hazards), you are the only one who can truly look out for your children’s best interests. There is rarely an opportunity to seek financial compensation for injuries sustained due to improper usage.

If your child sustains injuries as a result of negligent behavior on the part of a manufacturer or distributor, however, you may have the grounds for a product liability lawsuit in Lebanon MO. If your child is injured or (God forbid) killed as a result of a defective product, we urge you to contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC as soon as you can. Your initial consultation with our law firm in central Missouri is always free.

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks
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