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We rely on automobiles for daily transportation, and we are so accustomed to using them that we rarely think about the very real dangers that they present. That is, not until we (or people we know and care about) are in a serious accident.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Traffic fatalities are among the most tragic accidents to occur at the Lake of the Ozarks (and around the rest of the country). In spite of drivers’ best intentions, roadway fatalities are far too common. Because the Lake Area is such a popular tourist destination, local car accidents can affect people of all ages and from multiple surrounding areas. Deputy & Mizell, LLC is here to examine some of the statistics for local fatal accidents so far in 2016. (Data taken from the Missouri State Highway Patrol.)

Traffic Fatalities in Camden County so far in 2016

  • Joyce Ossler, 76, from Climax Springs, MO
  • Kenneth Martin, 60, from Montreal, MO
  • Arthur McNaughton, 78, from Overland Park, KS
  • Jamie Dever, 29, Sunrise Beach, MO
  • Lloyd Thompson, 64, from Camdenton, MO
  • John Kelemen, 73, from Edwards, MO
  • Leo Balderas, 3, from Camdenton, MO
  • Richard Berry, 44, from Roach, MO
Total: 8
Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Traffic Fatalities in Miller County so far in 2016

  • Jonathan Moore, 21, from St. Robert, MO
  • Evelyn Degraffenreid, 77, from Eldon, MO
  • Bazel Pauley, 77, from Osage Beach, MO
  • Lorene Pauley, 76, from Osage Beach, MO
  • Travis Davolt, 38, from Eldon, MO
  • Dominic Delong, 12, from Eldon, MO
  • Lisa Merrick, 45, from Eldon, MO
Total: 7
Traffic Fatalities in Morgan County so far in 2016
  • Jack Kehl, 88, from Barnett, MO
  • Gary Meinhardt, 54, from Barnett, MO
  • Donald Huff, 66, from Clinton, MO
  • Alexander Carr, 18, from Sedalia, MO
Total: 4
Total Roadway Fatalities in the Tri-County Area: 19
Deputy & Mizell Is Here To Provide The Representation You Need
While nineteen may not seem like an enormously high number at first, it equates to more than two fatalities per month. Each accident is devastating for the friends and family members of the individuals who were killed. Local drivers and police officials are working hard to keep our roads safe, but these statistics make it all too clear that roadway fatalities are still a common occurrence in our area. 

While we understand that no amount of financial compensation can make up for the loss of a loved one, our car accident lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks are here to help ease your financial burden by fighting for the compensation you deserve. From basic injuries to wrongful death suits, our team of experienced attorneys in Mid-Missouri are here to defend your rights. Contact us for more information.

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks
Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region

Lebanon: 417-532-2191                                                                 Facebook
Camdenton: 573-346-9990                                                                Twitter
Tuscumbia: 573-369-0001                                                               Google+
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