Drinking while driving is never ok. You are endangering your own life and the lives of those around you. A DWI can also seriously hurt your chances of getting a job among other things. Don’t ever assume without speaking to a DWI lawyer in Camden County first, that everything you have heard about DWIs is legitimate. Deputy and Mizell is here to give you key information about DWIs and DUIs. If you find yourself needing an experienced DWI lawyer at the Lake of the Ozarks, call Deputy and Mizell today for your free consultation.
Drinking While Driving: Don’t Assume…
Don’t assume you are now sober after 3 hours of drinking.
It can take about 6 hours for the body to completely get rid of alcohol from the system and being at a .08 BAC level. Source: https://www.factretriever.com/drunk-driving-facts
Don’t assume teens are rarely killed by drunk drivers.
The number one killer of teenagers are car accidents. One third fatal car accidents that involved a teen are alcohol related. Source: https://www.bactrack.com/blogs/breathalyzer/58083589-8-frightening-dui-facts
Don’t assume seat belts don’t always need to be worn.
Almost 75% of drunk drivers that are in fatal car collision are not wearing seat belts. Source: https://www.factretriever.com/drunk-driving-facts
Don’t assume women drive drunk more often than women.
Men are almost twice as much likely to drive under the influence of alcohol and be in a fatal car or truck collision than women are. Source: https://www.factretriever.com/drunk-driving-facts
Don’t assume ignition interlock have no effect on the reduction of drunk driving accidents.
Ignition interlocks are a breathalyzer in the car. The car will not start if after blowing into the device, the driver has a high blood alcohol concentration level. These devices have reduced the arrest rates for impaired driving by about 70%. Source: https://www.factretriever.com/drunk-driving-facts
Don’t assume that most people find designated drivers around the holidays.
More DUI arrests happen on New Year’s Eve than any other night, but in regard to driving under the influence, the deadliest day falls on July 4th. Source: https://www.factretriever.com/drunk-driving-facts
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses are taken very seriously in the state of Missouri. Sometimes referred to as driving under the influence (DUI) or operating under the influence (OUI), a conviction on drunk driving charges can result in extremely serious penalties, including
- The loss of your driver’s license
- Fines
- Jail time
If you have multiple DWI convictions, you can face even more severe penalties.
The increased insurance premiums can cost you thousands of dollars over time, and professional licenses, such as CDLs, may be in jeopardy.
We have experience handling all types of alcohol-related offenses, including the following:
- First-offense DWI
- Prior offender and persistent offender cases
- Breath or blood test refusal and other implied consent matters
- Minor in possession of alcohol
- Open bottle
- Boating while intoxicated offenses
If you are in this sort of sad situation, call Deputy and Mizell today for your free consultation.
Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.
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