Last week, we examined a particularly heart-wrenching type of personal injury lawsuits: injuries that babies sustain during labor and birth. This week, we’re continuing the conversation by examining the other side of the issue – injuries that pregnant, laboring, and birthing mothers may sustain somewhere along the way.
Mothers Injured During Birth
Women’s bodies were designed to give birth to new life, and women across the globe have been successfully birthing babies for centuries. Though it is certainly a monumentally massive process, birth in itself is generally not dangerous. Barring certain unavoidable emergencies, mothers who give birth under the care and supervision of experienced professionals should be able to do so safely and without incident. If the care they receive is inadequate, however, they may suffer injuries that could have been avoided if they had received proper care. In these instances, they may be able to seek financial compensation via a birth injury lawsuit.
Types Of Injuries Sustained By Birthing Mothers
At times, various situations and complications can arise that may threaten the mother’s health and well-being. Even if her baby makes it through the birthing process without injury, the mother may sustain serious injuries that could impact her life for months or even years to come.
Ideally, doctors should be trained and experienced enough to know how to react quickly and appropriately in order to minimize any ill effects the complication(s) may cause. Unfortunately, doctors have been known to respond improperly at times, perform surgical errors during cesarean sections, fail to properly heed a previous cesarean section, or simply fail to recognize the complication until it is too late. Examples of the injuries birthing mothers may experience under this type of negligent care can include:
- Hemorrhage
- Broken pelvic bones
- Uterine rupture
- Infection
- Vaginal tears and/or lacerations
- Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia
- Death
When the birthing mother suffers because her healthcare provider fails to uphold the reasonable Standard of Care, she may be able to seek financial compensation for her injuries by filing a birth injury lawsuit in Mid-Missouri. As with any type of personal injury or wrongful death situation, we understand that financial compensation can not make up for the physical and emotional pain the mother or other family members may suffer. Rather, our goal is to ease your family’s financial burden by offering an opportunity to pursue financial compensation for the injuries. If you would like more information, contact one of our personal injury lawyers in Lebanon MO. Your initial consultation with Deputy & Mizell, LLC is always free.
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