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It’s no secret that our universal rumor mill perpetuates misconceptions about personal injury law and the attorneys that make this practice their bread and butter. It’s time to shed some light on some myths about personal injury law. If you’ve been involved in a traumatic car accident or a painful fall, the effects can be devastating to your quality of life. At Deputy & Mizell we believe the practice of personal injury law is an honorable one. You can be confident that our attorneys at law, serving the Lake of the Ozarks and surrounding area, pledge to use our 70+ years of experience to ensure that your interests are protected from start to finish.

Many people hesitate to contact a personal injury lawyer or file a claim because of the common myths and public stigma that exists around the topic. We believe in the importance of dispelling these misconceptions and have addressed five common myths about personal injury law and lawyers.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

1. Personal Injury Lawyers are “Ambulance Chasers.”

You’ve seen it on TV so it must be true, right? No! Personal injury lawyers are often portrayed as “ambulance chasers” who stop at nothing to shamelessly take advantage of those who have been injured before their families have even been notified. This gives the impression that these not so trustworthy attorneys are more interested in making a dollar than the interests of their injured clients. This impression is untrue and one that hurts the systems set in place to protect those who have suffered. The practice of contacting prospective clients is highly regulated.

2. Personal Injury Lawsuits Take a Long Time to Complete.

Many have the misunderstanding that personal injury cases are long and grueling. Most personal injury claims are actually settled before they even see the inside of a courtroom. An experienced lawyer will use his skill to expedite the process to a resolution outside of court, which can often achieve a quicker and favorable resolution. It is not uncommon to see lawsuits settled in under a year. Of course, depending on the complexity and legal issues involved, some cases can take longer.

3. Personal Injury Lawyers are Only Interested in Money and Big Settlements.

It’s often thought that personal injury lawyers are greedy lawyers in fancy suits who are only interested in the suffering of others as a means to personal gain. Simply, most attorneys want justice for their clients. Many personal injury lawyers are passionate and hold themselves personally accountable for their client’s peaceful outcome. The civil justice system is complicated and without a competent lawyer, the odds of a fair settlement are against the average plaintiff. A respectful attorney will fight for the rights of their client and couldn’t be further from the slimy, fast talking version represented in the movies.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

4. No Lawyer is Needed Because My Claim is Small or Injuries were Minor.

Many people don’t file personal injury claims because they consider their injury minor and undeserving of a lawsuit. Unfortunately, and depending on the circumstances, it is highly possible that what is considered a minor injury could result in long term expensive consequences. Insurance companies often try to dismiss minor injuries or settle too conservatively. These settlements are too often inadequate and don’t even cover basic expenses.

5. Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer is Too Expensive and I have Insurance.

Protecting yourself and your best interests after an accident can be overwhelming, as negotiating with insurance companies alone can be tough. When you find yourself up against claim adjusters, investigators and the lawyers protecting the insurance company’s profits, you need advice. Hiring a personal injury lawyer is your best bet. They have years of experience and can defend your rights aggressively. After you present your case to a lawyer, they will determine the best turn of action for you. When it comes to retainer fees and prospected settlement payouts, expect your attorney to be upfront.

To pursue a successful personal injury claim it is necessary to ensure your rights are protected by hiring a personal injury lawyer at the Lake of the Ozarks. If it is determined that you are entitled under the law to compensation, legal representation may be essential to your recovery and future physical investment. For help with your Lake of the Ozarks personal injury claim, contact an attorney at Deputy & Mizell today. Our goal in every case is to take care of our clients’ needs first.

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks
Representing Clients Across the Lake of the Ozarks Region

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